Biodata/Profil Kim Ha Neul
Biodata/Profil Kim Ha Neul
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Biodata/Profil Kim Ha Neul - Halo Sobat Semua gimana Kabarnya Hari Ini Semoga Sehat dan Lancar Dalam Menjalankan Aktifitas Sehari harinya. Oke Pada Postingan Kali ini Blog Akan Berbagi Informasi Terbaru Khusus Buat Sobat semua yakninya tentang Biodata/Profil Kim Ha Neul, semoga bisa Bermanfaat ya Buat Sobat Semua.
Kim Ha Neul |
- Nama: 김하늘 / Kim Ha Neul
- Nama panggilan: Olive, Kim Sky
- Profesi: Aktris dan model
- Tanggal lahir: 21 Februari 1978
- Tempat lahir: Seoul, Korea Selatan
- Tinggi: 167 cm
- Berat: 45 kg
- Zodiak: Pisces
- Golongan darah: B
- Talent agency: SM C & C
Drama TV yang Telah di Bintangi
- A Gentleman's Dignity (SBS, 2012)
- Road Number One (MBC, 2010)
- Telecinema Paradise (SBS, 2010)
- On Air (SBS, 2008)
- 90 Days, Falling in Love Days (MBC, 2006)
- Stained Glass (SBS, 2004)
- Romance (MBC, 2002)
- Piano (SBS, 2002)
- Secret (MBC, 2001)
- Ghost (SBS, 1999)
- Into the Sunlight (MBC, 1999)
- Happy Together (SBS, 1999)
Film yang Telah di Bintangi
- You're My Pet (2011)
- Blind (2011)
- Paradise (2009)
- 7 Grade Civil Servant / My Girlfriend is an Agent (2009)
- Six Years in Love (2008)
- Almost Love (2006)
- Dead Friend (2004)
- Too Beautiful To Lie (2004)
- Ice Rain (2004)
- My Tutor Friend (2003)
- Ditto (2000)
- Doctor K (1998)
- Bye June (1998)
- Eighteen Eighteen (1997)
Penghargaan yang Pernah Diraih
- 2012 SBS Drama Awards: Top Excellence Award, Actress - Weekend/Serial Drama (A Gentleman's Dignity)
- 2012 SBS Drama Awards: Top 10 Star Award (A Gentleman's Dignity)
- 2012 SBS Drama Awards: Viewer Popularity Award (A Gentleman's Dignity)
- 2011 28th Blue Dragon Film Awards: Best Actress ("Blind")
- 2011 48th Grand Bell Awards: Best Actress ("Blind")
- 2008 SBS Drama Awards: Top Excellence Award - Actress (On Air)
- 2008 SBS Drama Awards: Top 10 Stars (On Air)
- 2008 Korea’s Fashion & Design Award: Best Dressed Award
- 2008 29th Blue Dragon Film Awards: Popularity Award ("Lovers of 6 Years")
- 2008 2nd Korea Drama Awards: Grand Award (On Air)
- 2007 28th Blue Dragon Film Awards: Best Dressed Award
- 2004 40th Baeksang Arts Awards: Best Movie Actress ("Too Beautiful to Lie")
- 2003 39th Baeksang Arts Awards: Most Popular Movie Actress ("My Tutor Friend")
- 2003 20th Korea Best Dressed Awards: Movie Actress Category
- 2002 MBC Drama Awards: Best Actress Award (Romance)
- 2001 SBS Drama Awards: Popularity Award (Piano)
- Pendidikan: Sekolah Dasar Yong Gok, Sekolah Menengah Yang Kang, Keum Ok Girls 'High School, Seoul Institute of the Arts - Film Mayor (Terdaftar pada tahun 1997)
- Agama: Katolik Roma
- Nama Kristen: Cecilia
- Hobi: Mendengarkan musik dan jalan-jalan
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